Michigan Townships Association

BEAD Challenge extended to April 30; identify and confirm high-speed internet service in your township

Townships have additional time to identify and confirm the high-speed internet service within their community. The Michigan High-Speed Internet Office (MIHI) has extended the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Challenge process until April 30. The State Challenge Process allows you to identify and confirm whether the areas in your township are served to improve high-speed internet access. View the Michigan Broadband Map for served, unserved or underserved locations within your community. View MIHI’s Eligible Challenger webinar to learn what types of challenges will be accepted, what type of evidence will be required, and how to use the State Challenge Portal to submit challenges and evidence, as well as Challenge Evidence Guidance Update.

You can register for an account via the BEAD Challenge webpage for Local and Tribal Governments. Even if your township does not plan to submit any challenges, registering for an account allows you to be notified of challenges you may have interest in rebutting. You can also join MIHI’s virtual office hours from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on the following days to learn more—no preregistration is required, simply click on the link to join: Monday, April 22, Thursday, April 25, and Monday, April 29.