Michigan Townships Association

Allied Service Provider Program

MTA's Allied Service Provider program gives your company more!

Now accepting applications for the
2024-2025 benefit year beginning July 1!

Our member townships receive specific benefits from being part of our association. Vendors can also be part of MTA by joining the Allied Service Provider program. There are three levels of participation, each with corresponding member benefits ranging from discounted advertising and preferred placement at the MTA Expo, to complimentary Vendor Showcase exposure and a dedicated article in an issue of Township Focus. Participants are featured in MTA publications and on MTA’s Online Allied Service Provider Directory. To learn more, download the brochure or contact Ashley Maher by phone at (517) 321-6467 or by email at ashley@michigantownships.org.

When does 1 + 1 = 6,545? When you’re an Allied Service Provider.

Voted Most Likely to Succeed.
As the only association for townships in Michigan, MTA reaches more than 99% of all township officials in the state. We have the resources that bring together more than 6,525 elected leaders as well as thousands of appointed officials and employees. And we are the leading voice on local issues for half of Michigan’s population.

What we don’t have are the products and services that companies, such as yours, can provide to our members.

Enter the Allied Service Provider program—an innovative program designed to strengthen the relationship between our members and the business community by providing opportunities for enhanced visibility, greater accessibility and increased interaction between township officials and business representatives.

Offering Useful Solutions for Townships . . . Today & Tomorrow
Through networking and information exchange, your company will be better able to create products and services that are tailored to meet the changing needs of Michigan’s townships and help drive the future of local government. MTA actively seeks input from our vendors as well, so we’re keeping a pulse on not only what’s happening with our townships but also what’s important to the industry that supports local government. 
Connecting at a whole new level.

The Choice is Yours.
Enrollment in the Allied Service Provider program is for a period of 12 months, and is renewable on an annual basis, subject to approval. MTA offers three levels of participation, each with a corresponding set of benefits:
• President’s Round Table ($10,000 annual investment)
• Leadership Circle ($5,000 annual investment)

• Keystone Club ($2,500 annual investment)

NOTE: Participation in the program does not constitute or imply an endorsement of the company or its products/services by the Michigan Townships Association as MTA has not investigated a participant’s business reputation or operation.

Allied Service Provider links and latest news

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