Pre-Conference Classes
At MTA, we know that your time is valuable. That’s why we design our Annual Conference & Expo to offer you the very best value for your time. Our educational line-up features something for every member of your township team, helping you stay on top of the ever-changing expectations of township officials.
But we don’t stop there! You can take your learning to the next level by joining one of our in-depth pre-Conference classes being held on Monday, March 31, 2025.
Separate registration fees apply. Room locations and event details will be provided in a “Know Before You Go” email sent prior to the event. Already registered for Conference but want to add a Pre-Conference class? It’s not too late—see below for instructions!
Monday, March 31
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
Assessing Uniqueness: Best Practices for Assessment Administration
+ Includes continental breakfast
+ Approved by the State Tax Commission for four hours of assessors elective credit.
Each local unit of government is one of a kind—varying in location, size, complexity, budget and population. Yet in assessment administration, we’re all united by the same statutes (the General Property Tax Act) and guidelines (from the State Tax Commission). This course explores best practices for effective assessment administration, tailored to the unique needs of your municipality. From Public Act 660 assessment roll audits to record retention, policies and procedures to organizational strategies, we’ll offer tips for making it work, right where you work. Plus, gain practical, time-tested techniques for managing it all with confidence and efficiency.
Learn more here or register online now.
Speaker: Shila Kiander, Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer, Director, Mecosta County Equalization
*To register for a Pre-Conference session only, after clicking the link above, choose a registrant, select “Pre-Conference only” then add the session you wish to register for.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m
Board Authorities, Responsibilities and Roles
Includes continental breakfast and lunch
Explore aspects of township government that all township officials should know to successfully carry out their statutory and governing responsibilities, and gain insights into who does what, including how the township team works together to get it all done. Get a review of your township board authority and walk away with practical tips on keeping a productive focus on what matters most. This full-day class takes you in depth on managing your township’s day-to-day operations, including handling public funds, financial reporting and more! Topics include:
• Board authority: Who decides what a township will do—and how?
• Enabling statutes: Where do townships get their authority? What must townships do? What may a board choose to do?
• Revenue sources: How are townships funded? What options exist?
• Working with other local governments: Options for boards to make effective and productive partnerships
• Lawful expenditures: What may townships pay for?
• Administrative responsibilities: Getting things done by balancing statutory duties with township responsibilities
• Board roles: Who does what? What about non-statutory duties?
• Township roles: Who sets the board agenda? Who is appointed Freedom of Information Act coordinator? What about the website, township security and other functions?
• The power of engagement: Why it’s important, what tools you can use and how you can make a difference
Learn more here or register online now.
Speakers: MTA Director of Government Relations Judy Allen; Cindy Dodge, Owner, LOR Consulting; and MTA Staff Attorney Catherine Mullhaupt
*To register for a Pre-Conference session only, after clicking the link above, choose a registrant, select “Pre-Conference only” then add the session you wish to register for.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m
Township Finances
This course is part of MTA’s Township Governance Academy (TGA), which goes beyond board meetings and budgets, enhancing your leadership skills and motivating you to take on the challenges and opportunities unique to those serving as township public servants. Regardless of your position with the township or amount of experience, the Academy will move you to a higher level of performance and make your service to your community more effective—and more rewarding.
All are welcome to attend! You don’t have to be enrolled in TGA to attend our Township Finances pre-Conference class. If you decide to enroll within six months after this class, credit will be applied retroactively.
Township Finances (F-103—6 credits)
includes continental breakfast and lunch
Oversight of township finances is a fundamental statutory duty of township boards. Good governance demands that every board exercise effective oversight of all township assets, including human and physical resources. Explore in depth how township boards can achieve a greater degree of control over the township’s financial position and assure that resources are directed to address the township’s highest and greatest needs. Takeaways include:
- The board’s role in establishing a powerful budgeting process
- What every board needs to do to protect the township’s financial assets
- How to determine the correct amount of township financial reserves
- Early warning signs of potential financial problems
- How great township boards spend their time at meetings
Learn more here or register online now.
Speakers: Rod Taylor, Senior Governmental Consultant, and Bethany Verble, Senior Manager, Maner Costerisan
*To register for a Pre-Conference session only, after clicking the link above, choose a registrant, select “Pre-Conference only” then add the session you wish to register for.
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
Legal Institute for Township Attorneys
Includes continental breakfast and lunch
Connect with fellow municipal attorneys from across the state to discuss changes, updates and other trends affecting township government. MTA’s annual Legal Institute is the premier educational event for attorneys who serve Michigan’s townships. Your attendance keeps you informed on legal news and changes that impact your local government clients. Learn more here or register online now.
Moderator: Rob Thall, MTA Legal Counsel, Bauckham, Thall, Seeber, Kaufman & Koches, PC
Already registered but want to add a pre-Conference session? Here’s how:
1) Click here to access your user profile (login required).
2) Under the Purchases tab, select Events.
3) Click the Details button next to your Conference registration and select Add Guest/Session.
4) Add a guest, if desired, or just click NEXT to choose the Pre-Conference class(es) you wish to add, then proceed through online checkout to pay the registration fee.
Should you have problems or need registration assistance, please contact MTA at 517-321-6467 x 226.