Michigan Townships Association

State budget process moving with executive budget recommendation

Gov. Whitmer’s proposed 2024-25 fiscal year budget was presented in early February, kicking off the budget process for the upcoming fiscal year. The proposed $80.7 billion recommendation is a 1.2% decrease over the current fiscal year’s budget and provides several one-time funding proposals for one-time purposes. Highlights of the budget proposal impacting townships include:

  • $1.1 billion in estimated constitutional revenue sharing representing a $5.4 million increase
  • CVTRS increase of $29.4 million: 5% or $14.7 million increase in the base, 3% one-time incentive for obligation of federal COVID relief funds and 2% one-time funding for public safety
  • $150 million for road and bridge projects: $95 million used to match federal aid and $55 million to support local bridge and culvert projects
  • $5 million for Training, Recruitment and Retention grants to support local law enforcement agencies
  • $3.5 million for firefighters’ health care program to support enhanced screening services
  • $2.5 million to support behavioral health services for first responders and public safety staff
  • $5.5 million for community violence intervention services to communities
  • $4.3 million for one-time grants related to firearm injury prevention
  • $80 million for contaminated site clean-up
  • $40 million to provide loans and grants to communities to support projects associated with lead service line replacement
  • $1 million for Housing Readiness Incentive grant program for grants to local governments
  • $50 million for the Housing and Community Development program to address need for affordable housing
  • $50 million for the Revitalization and Placemaking program to rehabilitate vacant, underutilized, blighted and historic structures
  • $2.5 million for rural prosperity grants to enhance services and programming in rural communities
  • $18.8 million to continue existing support for early voting, ballot drop boxes and prepaid postage
  • $500,000 for a hazard mitigation assistance program for local governments to implement projects that reduce the impact of future disasters on communities
  • $10 million deposit in the Disaster and Emergency Contingency Fund that supports immediate response and recovery activities in a disaster or emergency
  • $10 million for Michigan’s Public Safety Communications system for ongoing lifecycle updates to support equipment, security and maintenance

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