Michigan Townships Association

Glenn Rowley named member-at-large on Michigan Townships Association Executive Committee

Bangor Charter Township (Bay Co.) Supervisor Glenn Rowley has been named member-at-large on the Michigan Townships Association’s (MTA) executive committee. The executive committee, and the entire board of directors, provides strategic and operational guidance to MTA, which serves more than 99% of Michigan’s townships and is the state’s largest municipal organization.

Rowley, who has been supervisor since 2016, serves on the MTA Board as its director of MTA District 13, which encompasses Bay, Gladwin and Midland Counties.

Rowley hopes to make a positive impact on the statewide organization serving Michigan’s 1,240 townships, as he has been fortunate to do while serving his own township for the past eight years. “My role in the township helps to make a positive difference each and every day to those I serve,” he said. As a member of the MTA Board, “I will effectively share the message of embracing and maximizing the importance of township representation in government,” said Rowley, who recently achieved the designation of certified public manager through Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) and has been selected to the 2024 Cohort Class at the SVSU Henry Marsh Institute for Public Policy.

In addition to his current role on the township board, Rowley also serves as a board member on the township downtown development authority. He has long been dedicated to community service, with leadership roles including president of the Bay County Township Officers Association and secretary to its roads committee, Bay County Land Bank Authority treasurer, vice president of the county Water System Advisory Council and vice chair of the Lead & Copper Testing Advisory Committee. Rowley has also served as vice president of the county Water System Advisory Council and for the Bay Arenac Community High School Board of Directors, board member of Bay Future, and vice chair of the Bay Area Water Transmission System and Storm Water Authority, and Bay City Area Transportation Study Commission.


The Michigan Townships Association advances local democracy by fostering township leadership and public policy essential for a strong and vibrant Michigan.